Sponsor A Child
Give a Child the Gift of Knowledge Today!
Sponsor a child for 1 year at $55 a month to cover educational expenses, monthly medical exams, and nutritional meals.
Child Sponsorship
In a world where more than a billion children live on less than the U.S. $2 per day, connecting one child with one sponsor is the most strategic way to end child poverty.
Of all the long-term development interventions, child sponsorship received the highest rating. Sponsors donate $55 per month, which covers a child’s educational fees, school uniforms, tutoring. Children receive life-changing opportunities that would otherwise be out of their reach. All Operation International Gift of Knowledge sponsored children have the opportunity to develop their God-given potential and be released from the poverty that has trapped their families for generations.
All registered children are selected based on objective criteria that establish their need and their ability to benefit from the program. No more than one children from the same family can be registered.
We give a special priority to children who:
- suffer from malnutrition.
- are not otherwise able to attend school.
- have the potential to progress in school.
- are orphaned, or abandoned.
- are living with a single parent or caregiver.